Shop Spaces

The student machine and assembly areas in 140 and 180 is available to Mechanical Engineering students, staff and faculty working on University projects. 

To have a current ME safety clearance, a person most:

  • Have read the UH ME Safety Handbook and taken the online quiz
  • Attended a safety briefing
  • Done the hands on training for the equipment in Holmes 140a

The goal of this handout is to summarize the risks that are inherent in shop work and to provide some guidelines for working safely. It is not intended to be a machining training manual. The first step in preventing personal injury or machine damage is to make sure that you know how to operate the equipment you will be using correctly.

If you are unsure – ASK!

Because it is a communal area, used by so many people, it is important to keep the shop clean and orderly. This means that every user must clean the machines and work areas as they move from machine to machine. Put away all tools and material before leaving the shop. Counter tops and tables must be kept clear.

Inattention, hurried work, horseplay, bad judgment, fatigue, improper clothing, defective tools, and poorly secured workpieces cause most accidents. Avoid accidents by following all of the rules in this handout and asking for help if you are unsure about the safest approach.

Disregarding shop rules, working unsafely or leaving a mess will result in suspension of shop privileges.

These rules apply to the entire shop area in Holmes 140 and Holmes 180