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ME Spring 2022 Outstanding Graduating Senior (OGS) Isabella Kotsol

Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Graduating Senior Spring 2022 Acceptance Speech

Isabella Kotsol

Hi everyone, I am honored to be selected as this semester’s outstanding graduating senior for the mechanical engineering department. I want to thank everyone who I’ve met and worked with during my time here at UH, the experience would not be the same without you. I want to thank all the professors that I have had for teaching me so much about engineering and continually inspiring me to keep learning.

I want to thank my family for supporting me throughout college and always being there for me through the ups and downs. I especially want to thank all the friends I have made here in the college of engineering. I am so grateful to have met and gotten to know every one of you, and there is no doubt in my mind that I would not be up here today if not for the support I’ve received from friends and peers.

To all of my graduating classmates, congratulations! We made it and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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