Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Graduate Chair
PhD 1997, University of Washington
Contact Information
Phone (808) 956-9693
Research Interests
- Acoustics
- Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics
- Fluid-Structure Interactions
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomaterials
- Rheology
Selected Publications
- Allen, JS, Roy R, Church CC. On the role of shear viscosity in mediating inertial cavitation from short-pulse, megahertz-frequency ultrasound. IEEE-UFFC 1997; 44: 743-751.
- Allen, JS, Roy, R. Dynamics of gas bubbles in viscoelastic fluids. I. linear viscoelasticity. JASA 2000; 107: 3168-3178.
- Allen, JS, Roy R. Dynamics of gas bubbles in viscoelastic fluids. II. nonlinear viscoelasticity. JASA 2000; 108:1640-1650.
- Chomas, J, Dayton P, May D, Allen J, Klibanov A, Ferrara K. Optical observations of contrast agent destruction. Appl. Phys. Let. 2000;77:1056-1058.
- Morgan, K, Allen, J, Dayton P, Chomas, J, Ferrara, K. Theoretical and experimental evaluation of microbubble behavior: effect of the transmitted phase and bubble size. IEEE-UFFC 2000; 47:1494-1509.
- Chomas J, Dayton P, Allen J,Morgan K, Ferrara K. Mechanisms of contrast agent destruction. IEEE-UFFC 2001; 48:232-248.
- Allen JS, Kruse D, Ferrara K. Shell waves and acoustic scattering from ultrasound contrast agents. IEEE-UFFC 2001; 48:409-18.
- Dayton P, Chomas J, Lum A, Allen J, Linder J, Simon S, Ferrara K. Optical and acoustical dynamics of microbubble contrast agents inside neutrophils. Biophys. J. 2001; 80:1547-1556.
- Chomas JE, Dayton PA, Allen J, Ferrara K. Optical and acoustical detection of bubble destruction. Ultrasound Contrast Agents: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications ,2001, 2nd edition, 59-66,(Goldberg, Raichlen and Forsberg,editors),
- Allen J, May D, Ferrara K. Dynamics of therapeutic contrast agents. Ultra. Med. Bio. 2002; 28:805-816.
- May D, Allen J, Ferrara K. Ultrasound contrast agents used for localized drug delivery. IEEE-UFFC 2002; 49: 1400-1410.
- Dayton P, Allen J, Ferrara K. Optical observations of radiation force on microbubbles. JASA 2002; 112: 2183-2192.
- Hancock A, Insana M, Allen J. Microparticle column geometry in acoustic stationary fields. JASA 2003; 113:652-659.
- Allen J, Kruse K, Dayton P, Ferrara K. The effect of coupled oscillations on microbubble behavior. JASA 2003; 114:1678-1690.
- Allen JS, Rashid MM. Dynamics of a gas filled hyperelastic spherical shell in a viscous fluid. J. Appl. Mech. 2004; 71:195-200.
- Matsumoto Y, Allen J, Yoshizawa S, Ikeda T, Kaneko Y. Medical ultrasound with microbubbles. Exp. Therm. Fluid Science 2005; 29:255-265.
- Zinin PV, Allen JS, Levin VM. Mechanical resonances of bacteria cells. Phys. Rev. E. 2005; 72:061907-17.
- Allen JS, Kobayashi MH, Coimbra CFM, History effects on the viscous motion of acoustically forced particles. Appl. Phys. Let. 2006; 88:214106.
- Ikeda, T, Yoshizawa T, Tosaki M, Allen JS, Takagi S, Ohta N, Kitamura T, Matsumoto Y. Cloud cavitation control for lithotripsy using high intensity focused ultrasound. Ultra. Med. Bio. 2006; 9: 1383-1397.
- Ketterling, JA, Mamou J, Allen JS, Aristizabal O, Williamson R, Turnbull DH. Excitation of polymer shelled contrast agents with high frequency ultrasound. J Acoust. Soc-Am EL 2007; 121: EL48-53.
- Muller MW, Au WWW, Natchigall PE, Allen JS, Breese M. Phantom echo highlight amplitude and temporal difference resolution of an echolocating dolphin, Turisops truncates. JASA 2007, 122, 2255-2262
- Harris A, Allen JS. One, two and three phase treatments of geophysical flows. J. Geophysical Research A, 113, 2008
- Muller MW, Allen JS, Au WWW, Natchigall PE. Time frequency analysis of the Turisops truncates . JASA 2008, 124, 657-656.
- Zinin, PV. Allen JS, Acoustic Interactions of an Oscillating Bubble with a Biological Cell (in review, Physical Review E).
- Muller MW, Au WWW, Natchigall PE, Matching Pursuits Analysis of Turiosops truncates echolocation (submitted to JASA)
- Zhu M., Callahan S, Allen JS, Modeling of Pattern Formation in Cynaobacteria, (submitted to the Journal of Theoretical Biology)
- Ou H., Allen JS, Syrmos V. Underwater acoustic noise reduction with phase filters (submitted to JASA).
Selected Honors
- Acoustical Society of America Fellow, 2017
- 1986,1987 Society of Exploration Geophysics Undergraduate Scholarship
- 1994 Office of Naval Research Acoustics Summer School Fellowship
- 1997-1998 DAAD (Germany) Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2001,2002 Acoustical Society of America Young Investigator Travel Award
2003-2004 Japanese Society of the Promotion of Science (JPS) Fellowship - Invited Conference Presentations
- New Ultrasound Contrast Agent Models, Ninth European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Agents, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2004.
- Technical Modeling of Ultrasound Contrast Agents, Eighth European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Agent Imaging, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2003.
- Ultrasound Contrast Agents: State of the Art, Fifth International Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging, Kyoto, Japan, 2003.
- Encapsulated bubble dynamics, 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, 2002.
- Therapeutic ultrasound contrast agents, The Seventh European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging,” Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2002.
- Modeling of ultrasound contrast agent behavior, 140th meeting of the Acoustical Society of American, Newport Beach, CA, 2000.
- Selected Conference Presentations (out of 45)
- J.S. Allen, P.V. Zinin. Biological cell and bubble interactions and behavior in acoustic fields. Acoustical Society of America, 153nd Meeting, Salt Lake City, 2007.
- S.A. Bentil, T. Reed, J.S. Allen. Modeling aspects of vocal fold oscillations with validation of clinical data. Acoustical Society of America, 152nd Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 2006.
- M.W. Muller, W. Lau, J.S. Allen, E.M. Wezensky, M.R. Barkely. Naval sonar marine mammal strandings and the bubble hypothesis, Acoustical Society of America, 151th Meeting, Providence, RI, 2006.
- J.S. Allen, Y. Kaneko, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Matsumoto. Role of ultrasound contrast agent models, 146th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin, TX, 2003.
- Y. Kaneko, S. Yoshizawa, J.S. Allen, Y. Matsumoto Dynamics of microbubbles for diagnostic ultrasound, IEEE-UFFC Symposium, Honolulu, HI, 2003.
Courses Offered
- ME 311 Thermodynamics
- ME 626 Viscous Flows