Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
PostDoc in Rocket Propulsion 2024 –Department of Mechanical and Space Engineering – Hokkaido University, JP
Ph.D. in Rocket Propulsion 2022 – Industrial Engineering Department – University of Naples “Federico II”, ITA
Contact Information
Office: Holmes Hall 203
Phone: (808) 956-4876
Research Interests
Any aspect related to Chemical Rocket Propulsion Systems:
- Combustion
- Cooling
- Heat Transfer
- Acoustics
- Fluidic Lines
Selected Publications
- Gallo G., Miyahara Y., Kamps L., Nagata H., “Regenerative Cooling in Hybrid Rocket Engines Based on Self-Pressurized Liquid Nitrous Oxide,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 254, 123928, 2024.
- Gallo G., Carmicino C., “Model for Combustion Instability in Hybrid Rocket Engines Burning Liquefying Fuels,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 61, No. 11, pp.1-18, 2023.
- Gallo G., Fukada M., Suzuki S., Nagata H., “Regression Rate Model in Axial Injection End-Burning Hybrid Rocket Motor Using Different Oxidizers,” Combustion and Flame, 2024.
- Gallo G., Savino R., “Regression Rate Model Assessed by Ballistic Reconstruction Technique in Hybrid Rocket Engines Burning Liquefying Fuels,” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 127, No. 1, 107712, 2022.
- Gallo G., Mungiguerra S., Savino R., Cardillo D., Battista F., “Effect of Grain Length on GOx-Paraffin Hybrid Rocket Engines Performance and Regression Rate,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 220, 124978, 2024.
Full list of publications available:
Courses Offered
- ME424 Introduction to Gas Dynamics